New home for Cambridge Science Centre

03 Jun, 2024
Cambridge Science Centre has moved to a new home on Cambridge Science Park via a partnership with CSP and its owner, Trinity College.
Image courtesy – Cambridge Science Centre

Having reached half a million young people in its first 10 years, Cambridge Science Centre empowers young minds through STEM workshops, interactive exhibits and innovative learning experiences.

Cambridge, with its international reputation for ground-breaking scientific research and innovation, is recognised globally as the UK’s Centre of Science, Technology and Innovation – and Cambridge Science Park alone is home to 170 world-leading STEM companies employing 7,000 bright and brilliant minds.

According to Universities UK, the collective voice of universities in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, the UK needs over 1.9 million STEM professionals to be qualified by 2035 to fill positions and maintain a diverse and equitable STEM sector fundamental to driving future innovation and progress, and cementing the UK’s place as a science and technology superpower.

Joint partners, Brockton Everlast and the not-for-profit medical research charity, LifeArc, are major funders of the new Centre. Other organisations in the public, academic and corporate sectors supporting Cambridge Science Centre include Arm, Anglia Ruskin University, AstraZeneca, Bruntwood SciTech, Cambridge Consultants, CEMEX, Kao Data, and MathWorks.

John Bull, CEO, Cambridge Science Centre, said: “We are excited to be opening the doors to our new space within Cambridge Science Park in July 2024. This new location feels like our spiritual home; it further strengthens our connections with the STEM ecosystem and brings communities to the very heart of science and technology in Cambridge.

“Cambridge Science Centre is the perfect setting for educational school trips and family days out. Through our interactive, real-world STEM experiences, we enable children to explore the many wonders of science in a fun as well as an educational way and introduce them to the many diverse possibilities available to them, on their doorstep and beyond.”

Jamie Trivedi-Bateman, Director of Investment, Property, at Trinity College, Cambridge – which owns Cambridge Science Park – said: “Introducing Cambridge Science Centre into Cambridge Science Park is part of our wider vision for the Park.

“When it comes to unlocking scientific, technological, and educational progress, Trinity understands the vital importance of making meaningful connections. This is at the core of the science park concept that Trinity pioneered when it originally founded Cambridge Science Park.

“Cambridge Science Centre enables young people, families in the community, and cutting-edge businesses to connect with each other in new ways – and this is something Trinity believes will benefit all involved.”

• If you or your STEM-based business are interested in participating in STEM learning or you are a school or family that would like more information about annual memberships/would like to visit the new Cambridge Science Centre, contact